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 UPVAC was granted Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN-ECOSOC) in June 2019, which entitles us to designate official representatives to the United Nations Headquarters in New York (USA) and the United Nations offices in Geneva (Switzerland) and Vienna (Austria). Our representatives and members will be able to register for and participate in events, conferences and activities of the United Nations, and we may designate authorized representatives to sit as observers at public meetings of ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies, the Human Rights Council and, under certain conditions, the General Assembly and other United Nations intergovernmental bodies of which these arrangements may be supplemented to include other means of participation, such as submitting written reports to the United Nations. 

We also have the benefits of using the United Nations facilities such as: accommodation for conferences or smaller meetings related to the work of ECOSOC, as available and under the conditions set at each UN Office; appropriate seating arrangements and facilities for obtaining documents during public meetings of 
the General Assembly that deals with matters in the economic and social and related fields; arrangement of informal discussions on matters of special interest to groups or organizations; access to United Nations press documentation services; prompt and efficient distribution of documents related to ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies as the Secretary-General deems appropriate, and use of United Nations libraries.

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