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Updated: Jan 29, 2022

Older Widows Outreach and Empowerment

Oftentimes, Widows are neglected in Africa, with Nigeria as one of such countries. Universal Peace and Violence Amelioration Centre (UPVAC) thought it important to organise an outreach and empowerment program that will impact in the lives of the Older Widows (50 years above) in Plateau state, Nigeria.

Older widows still deserve to be happy. "Not Forgotten"

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Widowhood is common among older women; 52% of women 75–84 years of age and 76.2% over age 85 are widows (Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics, 2008). Most research on widows focuses on declines in well-being (loss-oriented coping) after the death of a spouse.

They are a lot of things that preoccupy the minds of widows, older ones especially. After the loss of their husbands, they are often left by the family members and further neglected by the community to carter for themselves (#upvac #widows #olderwidows). This leaves a psychological and mental breakdown on them, thereby further leading to early death.

Let's reach out to the widows more often, not forgetting the older widows. Put a smile on their faces.



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